In Back to Our Future: How the 1980s Explain the World We
Live in Now—Our Culture, Our Politics, Our Everything, David Sirota explores
the ways in which the Eighties can inform our understanding of events today.
Specifically, he examines the Eighties’ repudiation of the Sixties and longing
for the Fifties (“Liking Ike, Hating Woodstock”), struggle rectifying our
loss in Vietnam (“Why We [Continue to] Fight”), and embrace of The Cosby
Show as proof that we'd moved "beyond" race (“The Huxtable Effect”). For this
essay, explore one of the above sections. In your analysis: 1. Draw a line
between an event in the ‘80s and one today 2. Illustrate what that '80s event can teach us about today. Cite only from Back to Our Future support your thesis.
- 2.5 pages minimum
- MLA Style, including parenthetical citation
- Works cited page
Due: No later than Th 10.13
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