Monday, September 5, 2016

Reflection 2: Explicit Content—Controversial Music in the '80s

When it came to its music, the Eighties were a bit of a dichotomy. On the one hand, artists pushed boundaries like never before. Madonna, Prince, George Michael, and others challenged a number of musical and social taboos (e.g. teen pregnancy, masturbation, promiscuity) and were rewarded with commercial success by their young fans. Older Americans, on the other hand, weren’t so enthusiastic. They often met these songs with backlashes, boycotts, and bans. In fact, the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) formed in response to an increasingly sexual and violent music industry—the end result of which was the “Parental Advisory” sticker we know today.

For this examination, choose three of the following songs and videos considered controversial in the Eighties. In your examinations, consider what about the song or video would deem it unfit for young listeners or viewers in the Eighties. Additionally, would they arise controversy today? Why or why not? Finally, taken as a whole, what do these songs say about the society that deemed them controversial?

Note: While some of the songs or videos below would be considered tame by today’s standard, others are still decidedly NSFW.

  • MLA Style
  • Two pages in length

Due: Th 9.15

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